About Dr. Landmann
Completed a 3-degree accelerated program at Tufts University (Undergrad in Electrical and Biomedical Engineering, Masters in Electrical Engineering and Medical Degree, AOA). Residency and non-ASOPRS fellowship at Tufts University Medical Center.
Practiced general ophthalmology and oculoplastic surgery for three years, before making the two best decisions of my life – to get engaged and start my own solo oculoplastic practice. Seven years later, I am the proud father of 2 boys and run a wonderful practice. When I started out, I had zero referral sources (I had to move to New Jersey because of a restrictive covenant).
I now see between 15-28 patients a day, all plastics, and have tailored my practice to the way I enjoy practicing medicine. I don’t rush to see patients, I choose who I want to perform cosmetic surgery on and say ‘no’ freely when I don’t think patients are excellent candidates. I have a healthy mix of cosmetic and functional patients, the overwhelming majority of whom are incredibly appreciative. As an electrical engineer, I’m interested in tech and have developed a telemedicine platform to treat styes online.
My staff members are incredibly nice people and I enjoy spending time with them – about half of my online reviews reference how nice and caring my staff are. I recently bought a medical condo and moved into a brand new, fully equipped facility (ie, you will have an office!).
My parents were teachers (they owned Kumon centers) – I used to tutor there and really enjoy teaching, so I am excited to have a fellow! I speak Romanian, enjoy woodworking, was on the ski team in college, and sing off-key while operating.
What makes this fellowship special
- Oriented toward physicians who would like to practice cosmetic & functional oculoplastic surgery in a private practice setting. The practice is dedicated to 100% cosmetic and reconstructive oculoplastic surgery. The only general ophthalmology that the fellow will perform is that which is encountered on call. No cataract surgery.
- Our office is staffed by friendly, intelligent, hardworking individuals who enjoy the work that we do. Our medical assistants are college graduates in their gap year planning on going to either medical school or PA school – so you will be working with intelligent, motivated staff.
- The year will be what you make it to be. We will sit down together in the beginning of the year and plan out your goals for the year. If you have specific interests, those will be cultivated.
What are the downsides?
- Referral patterns being what they are, this practice does not have a large orbital or pediatric caseload. As such, every effort will be made to supplement the fellow’s daily clinical experience with educational activities to prepare the fellow for those circumstances.
- Research is not required. However, if the fellow is interested in a research project, this will be fully supported. This is a non-ASOPRS fellowship. The curriculum for the fellowship will be molded off of the ASOPRS curriculum, with special attention given to the individual fellow’s interests.
- This fellowship is not recommended for those who plan on pursuing an academic career.
- Full New Jersey Medical Licensure upon starting
- Must complete accredited ACGME ophthalmology residency
- River Edge, New Jersey ~ 15 miles from New York City.
To apply for this fellowship, please send a cover letter and resume to fellowship@BergenEyelids.com. In the cover letter, please address the following three questions.
- Tell me something interesting about yourself?
- What sort of career would you like to see yourself develop?
- What is your proudest non-academic accomplishment? These don’t have to be long-winded responses, between 3-500 words each; shorter is better.
Application is due ASAP – admission is rolling – currently accepting applicants for the 2024-2025 academic year.